Soundarya Rajagopal is our grade 12 school topper in commerce with 93.2% who wants to pursue a career in Law. She enjoys courtroom dramas and believes that the lesser the stress and better the performance. In this blog, Soundarya shares her success story.

Did you have a fixed pattern of study? How did you prepare for the exam?

Before the study holidays commenced in February, the school had organized two pre-board exams. Attempting them gave me a good idea of where I stood in each subject and helped me identify areas of improvement. I used these premises to tackle such topics during the first few weeks of the study holidays. As for my pattern of study, I made a list of topics to cover every day in the morning and made sure I followed through.

Do solving old question papers help?

Definitely! Since CBSE exams have been conducted for a very long time, practicing papers helped me identify and revise all important topics from an exam point of view and also gave me an idea of the potential questions that could make an appearance in this year’s paper.

What was your day like during the study holidays?

Since we had more than adequate time to prepare for board exams, I was never under any stress. My only objective was to cover the topics that I intended to revise that day. And as someone who has never been able to study for long hours, I made sure to take breaks whenever necessary.

What was your coping mechanism during the exams? what was your stress-buster?

As a law aspirant, I have always enjoyed courtroom drama TV shows. I would watch an episode or two while taking a break from studies. I also wrote poetry whenever I felt creative.

What was the highlight of your success?

I think I have a long way to go before I can answer that question.

And in the age of digital distractions, did you have to stay away from gadgets for the month?

I believe that moderation is a much better means of self-control than absolute restraint. I used electronic gadgets and social media during the course of study holidays and Board exams in a constructive yet restricted fashion.

How did CMRNPS help in your preparation for the Boards?

Having studied in this school for the past fourteen years, I have come to prize the values of hard work and perseverance that it stands for.  My teachers were instrumental in helping me understand the subjects of study and did not hesitate to lend a helping hand at any point in time. We received an extensive array of practice questions and the pre-board exams were helpful in simulating the experience of a board exam.

How did it feel with the spotlight on you?

It feels good to know that my hard work has paid off.

The success mantra that you want to share with other students?

Don’t panic. The stress only serves to cloud your thinking and wastes energy that could be channelized much more effectively.

What are your best memories from College?

Just like any other student, having fun with friends!

Posted by CMRNPS

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